Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Bike trip on Pacific Coast ~ Second week~

Bike trip on ___the Pacific Coast ~ Second week~

This week, I went to Florence from Astoria. Fortunately, It was sunny everyday. There is __ very famous beach called Scenic beach in OR. Unfortunately, this day was a little bit cold but I am pumped up seeing big weals whales. As the local resident said, this accident was very rare at this beach (?). I thought I might have a luck on the beach.

___The next day, I left in Florence and went to Crescent City in CA. I continued to travel but ___weather was too bad on the way to Crescent City. It made me bitter. Finally, I arrived at the Point St. George in Crescent City. Since I visited there after __a heavy squall, I enjoyed a very clear landscape of this beach.


My corrections:
Red words = delete
Blue words = problem of vocabulary
Green words = problem of tense, form, or spelling
Underlined = problem of capitalization
________ = add word(s)
{Brackets} = reorder, reorganize, or reword

Let me know if you have any questions!


1 comment:

  1. I'm very interrested of what you said about the famous beach in OR, some people talk to me in the past that is such a nice place but I'm definitively convainced by your post. So, If I'll come in this area I w'll stop myself there.
