Tuesday, August 4, 2015

First week from Vancouver to Astoria

  You know, how interesting I am. I really excited to start the bike trip with my friendWe are on a bike trip along the Pacific Coast. We started from the Sunset beach in Vancouver.With its moderate climate and extensive network of bike paths, Vancouver is an ideal place for biking. This is why we choose it for our start. When I biked along the Sunset Beach, I felt the mild breeze and experienced the awesome sunset. After biking, we found a hotel to stay ___. ____ Last day, we continued our path, and passed a number of museums, including Science World and Vancouver Maritime Museum.
 Sunset Beach

Science World 
Vancouver Maritime Museum

On the third day, we pedaled on the pedals relentlessly, and our next stop was Alki beach park in Seattle. There were many people riding here, and we also had a delightful time riding here.

 Alki beach park

We spent three day there, and the destination of first week is Cannon beach in Astoria.
Cannon beach

Thanks for your post - beautiful pictures! Don't forget to add the words we discussed on Monday. Also, try to create a more captivating introduction and conclusion!

My corrections:
Red words = delete
Blue words = problem of vocabulary
Green words = problem of tense, form, or spelling
Underlined = problem of capitalization
________ = add word(s)
{Brackets} = reorder, reorganize, or reword

Let me know if you have any questions!


Purple words = the word new add

1 comment:

  1. Wahooo there are some very nice pictures on your blog, I'm very glad to see your news ! Congratulations because thanks to that blog you are succeeding to catch my attention on the possibility to make a bike trip.
    I hope to read other posts later !
